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Shane Kyiretwie® is a luxury fashion house aimed to bridge popular culture and prideful heritage from multiple countries of the world, offering a vibrant and stylish attire in a high-luxury brand.


“Inspiration to create something like this has always been around, ever since I was a child. Growing up, always sketching whenever there was nothing to really do was comfortable for me. Later on, I enjoyed seeing the process of how fabrics go through cut and sew, how their printed and build from the ground up, artistry from scratch. Going through trial and error, perfecting my craft, showing I’ve never been afraid to achieve unbelievable expectations and to share what I’ve created to the world so that the next generation can strive off of that passion. With this vision in mind, my ultimate dream is to take fabrics from cultures and timelines no one would think of and show the world with respect, consideration, and knowledge as well as modern ideas that are in motion”.

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